Munishi Has Overcome the Odds

I have followed the discussion about Nyerere and Mkapa with untold impunity. I know for sure that any moron who defends the despotic and fallen Nyerere is a reflection of modern day mydiocrity. Nyerere failed in many things that he did and Munishi has every right to make known that the baron was a mere enhancement of socialistic mysopism. Laila brown and the rest who are up in arms against the humble, self-made and realistic Munishi are desparete brates. Munishi has overcome all the odds to be what he is. Given the situations that he overcome, many like Laila would be worse than the Chokoras that she claims munishi is. Laila , you are so narrow minded. This is because you think about Tanzania and nothing else. There is much more than you can imagine and it is time you shut up your dump gobble.
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